
Antivirus & internet security and email vigilance

 In Security

Antivirus and internet security

While it is extremely important to have your computers and servers protected by an internet security software note if you have 2 or more of these programs running at the same this can seriously diminish the performance of your Anti Virus as they cross and dilute each other.

It also slows down and affects the computers processing power which will delay other programs from running thus decreasing productivity of both equipment and staff.

Email vigilance

Along with antivirus/internet security, another major way of preventing virus/malware/ransomware attacks are by monitoring and ensuring emails coming into the company are from those who have an e-mail history with you.

You can do this by checking the address that the email came from corresponds to the sender. Most infections penetrate systems through human error i.e. downloading an attachment or clicking on a link in the email from a source that looks safe but the address of the sender is slightly different then your expected sender.





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